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BrownNet HomeUnix

Web Accessibility



I endeavour to make all web pages on this site accessible using standard browsers, text-only browsers, and talking browsers. If you have problems accessing the information on a particular page, or have suggestions as to how accessibility could be improved, please contact me using the HomeUnix Contact Form (at the bottom of every page), describing the page and accessibility problem.

Table of Contents on Each Page

Assuming style sheets have not been switched off (see below), the top left of each page will display this symbol below the menu:

Hovering over the symbol, or touching it on a touch screen device, will display a drop-down menu containing the Table of Contents for that page.

Assistive Technologies

Visually impaired users, those using keyboard control rather than a mouse, those using a talking browser such as pwWebSpeak or those using other assistive technologies may find switching style sheets Off to be advantageous (do this via your browser or preferably via this site using the Style Off link). This will linearise the page and make additional navigation links visible. All images have "ALT Text" which audio browsers can use in place of images.

Stylesheets with Desktop/Tablet/Mobile

By default, this web site will try to automatically select the appropriate style sheet for the browser that you are using - either Desktop or Mobile - and Auto will show in the Style Cycler at the top right of every page. By clicking on the cycler you can rotate through Auto, Desktop, or Mobile style sheets, which may be useful if your browser is incorrectly detected. Please note, if you are using a tablet with the default Auto stylesheet selection, the Desktop style sheet will be used in landscape mode, while the Mobile style sheet will be used in portrait mode. On a desktop/laptop, browser windows that are narrower then their height will also use the Mobile style sheet. If you are having problems with Auto stylesheet selection you can override it and force either Desktop or Mobile stylesheets. Turning style sheets off will linearise the page.

Style: Off - Auto - Desktop - Mobile

The currently selected style is shown in this style (unless stylesheets are Off).

Text and Image Size

Most browsers will allow you to change the size of text (and possibly images). In Mozilla/Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer use CTRL+ and CTRL- to increase/decrease size. CTRL0 will return to default size.


This site uses a very small amount of JavaScript to enhance usability, but the site will work perfectly well if JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

Access Keys

Be warned that access keys are extremely dependent on the combination of operating system (e.g. Windows, MacOSX, Unix, etc.) and the browser being used (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge, etc.). There is no guarantee that the keys below will work with your OS/browser combination.

In line with current wisdom on keyboard accessibility, most letter-based access keys have been removed from this site so as not to interfere with browser- or user-defined keyboard shortcuts. Numerical access keys (along with letter 'S' for Skip Navigation) are employed as per the UK government access keys standard shown below.

The following accesskeys will be supported on all pages, and can be used to navigate rapidly without using a mouse. Use of access keys is browser dependent - normally use the ALT, Shift-ALT, CTRL, or META key with the appropriate access key. Then use the TAB key to proceed or Shift-TAB to reverse. Please note: to avoid instantly activating links, some access keys may require the user to press TAB to focus on a link or other element, giving the user the option not to follow the link immediately.

  • S - Skip navigation
  • 1 - Home page
  • 2 - What's new
  • 3 - Site map/Menu
  • 4 - Search
  • 5 - FAQs (if available)
  • 8 - Policies and Ts & Cs (if applicable)
  • 9 - Contact Us
  • 0 - Access key details
  • Tab - Move focus to next link on page
  • Shift-Tab - Move focus to previous link on page

UK Government Access Keys:

  • S - Skip navigation
  • 1 - Home page
  • 2 - What's new
  • 3 - Site map
  • 4 - Search
  • 5 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • 6 - Help
  • 7 - Complaints procedure
  • 8 - Terms and conditions
  • 9 - Feedback form
  • 0 - Access key details